Salawat - Salutations and Divine Blessings on the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Source : emptyingthecup | relayé par Redé le 01/02/2024

Dedicated to my late father, Abdul Hameed, who has passed away this last Thursday, February 10th, 2022 (Rajab 9, 1443). Allah has called His servant back to Him; “Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.” May he be dressed in the lights of Muhammad ﷺ.

"Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet ﷺ: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him ﷺ, and salute him ﷺ with all respect."

"When Muhammad ﷺ sends Salawat upon the believers, it indicates his prayer for their welfare, blessing and salvation."

To send blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ is to receive blessings from him ﷺ. It is the process of manifestation of blessings and purification of the soul through connecting our hearts with his ﷺ.

The Prophet ﷺ said "Verily, I have many names. I am the Effacer (al-Mahi) through whom God effaces unbelief, I am the Gatherer (al-Hashir) at whose feet the people will be gathered, and I am the Last Prophet (al-Akhir) after whom there are no more."

It is said that on the Day of Judgement, on the Throne of God itself will God seat Muhammad ﷺ, alluded to in the Qur'anic verse “It may be that thy Lord will raise thee to a praised estate” (17:79). Thus he rises to the reality of the Ahmad, his highest manifestation. The Throne of God, as explained by the metaphysicians of the Path, is the True Kaaba. It is the seat of consciousness. It is the Heart, so for Muhammad ﷺ to be seated upon the Throne means that his essential reality has existential significance with respect to the reality of our own Being. He ﷺ is seated on our own Hearts. His ﷺ essence is stamped on our Hearts and on creation itself.

I asked: "O Messenger of Allah, when were you [first] a Prophet?" He ﷺ replied: "When Allah created the earth ‘Then turned He to the Heaven and fashioned it as seven Heavens’ [2:29], and created the Throne. He wrote on the leg of the Throne: "Muhammad the Messenger of Allah is the Seal of Prophets" . Then Allah created the Garden in which He made Adam and Hawwa' dwell, and He wrote my name on the gates, its tree-leaves, its domes and tents, at a time when Adam was still between the spirit and the body..."

And this reality is mentioned by Imam 'Ali كرم الله وجهه when he says "the human being is a small universe, and the universe is a large human being" and "you think you are a small entity [microcosm], but within you is enfolded the entire Universe [macrocosm]" The understanding is that this pertains to the Universal Intellect, the First Being (al-awal al-aql) created by God with His 'two hands', which are represented in the male Principle of Power and the female Principle of Knowledge.

The Insan al-Kamil is the Universe awakened through the modality of the self from which emerges the Perfected Man. This reality is epitomized in the Prophet ﷺ.

The Prophet ﷺ, described as The Book, contains this Universal Knowledge, and thus possesses the qualities of perfect clarity and conduct, and the perfect performance of good deeds. Such a being is one who necessarily is a Universal Teacher, a World Teacher, and thus he ﷺ was known as the one who trains and leads all to Enlightenment, both human and heavenly beings, and guides to safety and salvation, for he ﷺ is also known as al-Shafi (the Intercessor). Standing without equal as the world-honored one, as the Unexcelled Worthy, Divine Love permeates and illuminates his ﷺ Being.

The spiritual path is one that is rooted in Tradition, and Tradition is that which connects the holy people down through the Adamic generations of material existence back to that original flame of Divine Light. This flame of Divine Light is the essence of the Muhammadan light. It is a golden flame that burns with the ecstasy of Divine Love.

Ubai bin Ka’ab said, "Then I said to him, 'Oh Messenger of Allah ﷺ, I supplicate often, so how much of my supplication should I devote to you?’ The Prophet ﷺ replied, 'as you desire'. I asked, ‘a quarter of it?’ He said ‘as you desire, but if you were to increase upon this, it would be better for you.’ I asked, ‘half of it?’ He said, ‘as you desire, but if you were to increase upon this, it would be better for you.’ I asked, ‘two-thirds of it?’ He said again, ‘as you desire, but if you were to increase upon this, it would be better for you.’ Finally I asked, ‘and if I dedicate my supplication in its entirety to you?’ He said, ‘then your needs will be satisfied, and your sins forgiven.’

When you regard your Heart as Holy, as the sanctified place of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, then you will regard it with respect; and thus is born self-respect. Now there is obligation and duty towards it, towards the Holy Prophet ﷺ; and thus there is born confidence and boundaries.

The salawat is an invitation to the Holy Prophet ﷺ to enter your Heart thereby sanctifying it with his worship of Allah. It is thus a type of consecratory act that has initiatic significance. It is an initiation onto the path of metaphysics and into the inner circles of the Prophetic Tradition.

Catégorie(s) : Art

Type : Chant

Sujet(s) : Muhammad (ﷺ)

Tag(s) : adoration dhikr rappel salawat


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19 99 noms de Dieu abandon abaya abolition abrogation abrogeant abrogé abstraction acceptation action actualisation Ad-Dhuha Ad-Dukhan Adam adoration affliction agir air Al-Andalus Al-Baqarah Al-Fatiha Al-Hayy Al-Khidr al-mouraqaba Al-Qamar Al-Wassi algorithme algèbre alimentation Allah alliance allégorie amour Amérique An-Najm analogie ange animal anthropologie anthropomorphisme anxiété apostasie apparence appel application apprendre aqida Ar-Rahman Arabe arabe arbre argent arrogance art As-Sajdah asharisme assistance association Astaghfirullah astronomie astrophysique At-Tur athéisme attachement attentat attention attestation aïd Badr Bagdad balagha bataille bida bien bien-aimé bien commun bienfait biographie bismillah blasphème bon comportement bonheur briller bénédiction calife capitalisme caricature catégorie cause cerveau chahada chant charia cheikh chemin cheminant cheminement Chine chirurgie choral chrétiens chômage ciel cieux Cisjordanie citoyen citoyenneté civilisation civilisation islamique clairvoyance collection collectivité commentaire compagnon comparaison compilation comportement compréhension concentration conditionnement conduite confiance conflit confrérie connaissance connaissance de soi conquête de la Mecque conscience consensus conspirationnisme constitution contagion conte contemplation contenant contentement contenu contexte contrainte contribution contrôle contrôle des masses conversion Coran corbeille corde corps cosmologie cosmos couper covid covid-19 crainte crainte révérencielle critique croire croissance croyance croyance aidante croyance limitante croyant création culture cycle céleste cœur Dajjal demande destin dhikr dialectique dialogue dieu diffamation dilatation dimension discipline divergence diversité divin divinité division djihad documentaire dogme don douceur doute droit droit chemin droit musulman dunya défaut défi définition déisme démocratie démonstration dépression désinformation désir désire déterminisme eau effort ego empire empirisme enfant enfer engagement enjeux enlèvement ennemi enracinement enseignant enseignement entendre entente envie environnement eschatologie esclavage espace espoir esprit essai clinique essénien estimation Europe exagération examen de conscience excellence excès exe exemple exile existence de Dieu expansion expansionnisme explication expression idiomatique expérience extérieur extériorité exégèse facette facilité faiblesse fake news falsification famille fanatisme fatigue fatiha femme feu figure de style filiation film finalité finance fiqh firasa fitna flamme foi folie fonction fond fondation fondement fondement de la jurisprudence fondement du droit forme fourmi France français frapper fraternité fécondation féminisme fête galaxie Gaza gilets jaunes glorification gouvernement grand-père gratitude guerre guerrier guidance guide génie génération générosité génétique géométrie gérance hack hadith haine hallal Hamas harmonie hasard hellénisme Hezbollah hijra hindouisme histoire histoire des sciences historicité hiérarchie homme humanité humeur humilité hyperonymie hypocrite hégire héritage héros Iblis ici-bas identité idéalisme idéologie ignorance ihsan ihtiyât ijtihad ikhtilâf illusion image imaginaire imam imams immigration imsak incarnation infini influence information ingénierie sociale inimitabilité initiation injustice innovation inspiration intelligence artificielle intercesseur interpellation intuition intériorité intérêt général invisible invocation islam isra Israël ivresse jeunesse jeûne jihad Jour du Jugement journalisme jugement juif juifs justice Kabbale kafir khawarij Khidr La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah la ilaha illa Allah La ilaha illallah langage langage coranique latin laïcité leadership lecture lettre lexique leçon Liban liberté liberté de conscience liberté de culte libre-échange libération lien lieu linguistique littéralisme lobby logique loi fondamentale louange loup lucidité lumière Lumière lune Luqman lutte sociale madhhab main maitre mal maladie malâmatî manipulation manipulation des masses mariage mathnawi mathématique matière maturidisme maturité matériel mauvais œil maître maîtrise maîtrise de soi mensonge message militantisme minhaj miracle miraj miroir mise en garde misogynie miséricorde modestie modèle monde monnaie monologue montagne moral morale mort mot motivation mou'mine mourid moyen moyen-âge muhajirin muhkam mujahid musique musulman mutashabih mutation mystique mythe mythologie mécréance mécréant médecine médecine prophétique média médias médisance méditation métaphore métaphysique méthode scientifique méthodologie nafs Nahel naqshbandi nature nestorianisme neuro-ingénierie neuroscience neutralité noce nombre d’or non-musulman nourriture numérique nécessité négateur négation négligence obscurité occident opinion oppression optique ordre orgueil orientation origine OTAN oubli paix Palestine paradigme paradis paradoxe pardon parler parole divine particule particulier passion patrimoine pauvreté peine légale perception perfection perfectionnement permission peur pharaon phi philosophie physique physique quantique pierre pilier plagiat plante plénitude politique polysémie polytechnique polémique potentiel pouvoir poète poésie pratique pression pression sociale preuve principe principe de causalité principe d’identité priorité prière probabilité production productivité profondeur projet propagande prophète Prophète prophétie précaution prédation préjugé prénom préservation prévention psychologie des foules psychopathologie puiser pureté purification péché pénétration qalb qiyas qualité quantitatif qudsi Quraish racine racisme raison ramadan rang rappel rationalité Rawdah rayonner recherche reconnaissance recouvrir recueil redé reflet relation relation internationale religion religiosité remerciement remède renaissance repos représentation responsabilité retraite rhétorique riposte rivière Rivotril robe roche Rohingyas rouh royaume Russie réalité réalité récit récitation réclamer réforme référendum rémission réponse réseaux sociaux résistance révolution révolution française révélation rêve rôle sabre sacrifice sacré sagesse salaf salawat santé satisfaction savants savoir scandale scepticisme science science moderne science profane secret semence sens service sexe shahada Shaytan shirk signe silence simple sincérité sira société société secrète soleil souffrance soufisme soumission souplesse sourate source souvenir souveraineté spiritualité statistique statut stoïcisme stratégie structure subhanAllah subjectivité sunna sunnisme syllogisme symbole symétrie Syrie sécularisation sémantique table servie tadabour tafsir tariqa temps terre terrestre terrorisme texte thème théologie théologie naturelle théorie de l’évolution théorisation tirage au sort tombe totalitarisme trace tradition traduction trafic traité trajectoire transmission trinité tuer téléologie télévision témoignage Ukraine unicité divine unification union union européenne Union européenne unité univers universel université usul usul al-fiqh vaccin valeur vers verset vibration vide vie vieillissement vierge vigilance violence visage vitamine C vocabulaire voie voile voir voix volonté vote voyage végétal vérité Wahhabisme wahhabisme youtube Yunus États-Unis États-unis âge âge d’or âme école école jurisprudence économie écoute écrin éducation égalité égarement égo éloge élève élément éléphant élévation émerveillement émeute émission épidémie épistémologie époque épreuve épsitémologie épée ésotérisme état éthique étonnement étymologie éveil œil
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